Hello everyone, I'm back as promised with some interesting news. First
is ready and on-line e-book that contains our (and especially your ) operates. You can download it at:
http://www.comune.modena.it/biblioteche/holden/ebook.htm # 42
sure to read a bit 'what is written on the page and then download the version ". exe" when you run it on your computer screen and will appear in the cover, then you can browse the e-book directly with the "PagUp" and "PagDown. Press the key "F1" instead you will have more complete instructions on other features.
Second, two words on the presentation last Saturday. I know some of the people were disappointed (if not openly annoyed) by how it took place. Summary for who was not there: we were told that our presentation was at 16:30, actually we were queued up at a round table on freedom of information which lasted up to 18:15 in the end leaving little space to present and discuss where our project. Leaving aside the fact I personally found the conference interesting in itself, I realize that neither I nor you (those of you who were) were there for that. What I can tell you ... beyond the fact that obviously it is not dependent on the our will, not from the top of my long (but now not so short) experience with this kind of circumstances I can tell you that these things sometimes happen. It happens that that is the literary event very different from what we had expected. Annoying if you like, but it is not something to be referred to spoil the day: over time you learn to react to anything with a composure worthy of the highest quality foam.
However, as I said in previous post tomorrow March 13 replicates at 17:00 to Library Rotunda.
I do not know what to expect exactly, but certainly not talk about freedom information. It 'not a very propitious time, I realize, but in any case a third time (maybe April 17) is already in the scheduling. More detailed news will follow.
Third, if the thing you can be of interest to the following address:
found an interview with Sara on the Open Book Project. If you want to know more about how we lived our role as 'editors' this could be the right occasion.
last thing: from now until the end of May, the Open Book project outline skin. For the rest of us it was a very beautiful and waiting to put on site la prossima iniziativa ufficiale (sulla quale non mi sbilancio, se non per dirvi che ne stiamo già intensamente parlando e che potrebbe vedere la luce dopo l'estate) vi proponiamo il seguente "gioco".
Vi è piaciuto il nostro spunto ma non il racconto che ne è uscito?
Il racconto vi è piaciuto fino ad un certo punto ma poi ha preso una strada che ritenete poco interessante?
Ri-raccontetelo tutto voi a partire dal punto che preferite, fino alla fine.
Questa volta non avete un preciso limite di battute. Anche se per la nostra sanità mentale, nonchè la vostra incolumità fisica, vi esorto a non andare troppo oltre le 50.000 battute (che mi sembra comunque una quantità di tutto rispetto...)
We welcome your texts until mid-June and, depending on quantity and quality of contributions, we will study how to collect them in an e-book and publish it or not on this blog as they come to us.
In any case, I recommend stay tuned!
is ready and on-line e-book that contains our (and especially your ) operates. You can download it at:
http://www.comune.modena.it/biblioteche/holden/ebook.htm # 42
sure to read a bit 'what is written on the page and then download the version ". exe" when you run it on your computer screen and will appear in the cover, then you can browse the e-book directly with the "PagUp" and "PagDown. Press the key "F1" instead you will have more complete instructions on other features.
Second, two words on the presentation last Saturday. I know some of the people were disappointed (if not openly annoyed) by how it took place. Summary for who was not there: we were told that our presentation was at 16:30, actually we were queued up at a round table on freedom of information which lasted up to 18:15 in the end leaving little space to present and discuss where our project. Leaving aside the fact I personally found the conference interesting in itself, I realize that neither I nor you (those of you who were) were there for that. What I can tell you ... beyond the fact that obviously it is not dependent on the our will, not from the top of my long (but now not so short) experience with this kind of circumstances I can tell you that these things sometimes happen. It happens that that is the literary event very different from what we had expected. Annoying if you like, but it is not something to be referred to spoil the day: over time you learn to react to anything with a composure worthy of the highest quality foam.
However, as I said in previous post tomorrow March 13 replicates at 17:00 to Library Rotunda.
I do not know what to expect exactly, but certainly not talk about freedom information. It 'not a very propitious time, I realize, but in any case a third time (maybe April 17) is already in the scheduling. More detailed news will follow.
Third, if the thing you can be of interest to the following address:
found an interview with Sara on the Open Book Project. If you want to know more about how we lived our role as 'editors' this could be the right occasion.
last thing: from now until the end of May, the Open Book project outline skin. For the rest of us it was a very beautiful and waiting to put on site la prossima iniziativa ufficiale (sulla quale non mi sbilancio, se non per dirvi che ne stiamo già intensamente parlando e che potrebbe vedere la luce dopo l'estate) vi proponiamo il seguente "gioco".
Vi è piaciuto il nostro spunto ma non il racconto che ne è uscito?
Il racconto vi è piaciuto fino ad un certo punto ma poi ha preso una strada che ritenete poco interessante?
Ri-raccontetelo tutto voi a partire dal punto che preferite, fino alla fine.
Questa volta non avete un preciso limite di battute. Anche se per la nostra sanità mentale, nonchè la vostra incolumità fisica, vi esorto a non andare troppo oltre le 50.000 battute (che mi sembra comunque una quantità di tutto rispetto...)
We welcome your texts until mid-June and, depending on quantity and quality of contributions, we will study how to collect them in an e-book and publish it or not on this blog as they come to us.
In any case, I recommend stay tuned!
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