Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Side Effects Of Duofem


Flavio's Blog glad I copy:

what follows is the translation (maccheronica why not do the job of translator) of a post of the talented and likeable storyboarder Karen J Lloyd based on his fantastic blog I recommend, if you work in the magical world of animation, to go to read because it full of pearls of wisdom.

these 10 steps are something you already know all storyboarder but above all the writers (fiction and non) should read and learn by heart!

a good sign: for a first reading the script runs like a great novel that you can not put it down. Meaning, sit down and Godin start to finish. You see everything chiaramentenella your head. As if a small film was projected in your mind and ran off without a hitch. I love it when it happens.
2 bad sign : Since its first reading touches you back reading. Meaning, you must, pause halfway down the page and go back to a previous page, why do you think you have missed something. If you have already gone back a couple of times then I know that I expect a frustrating read.
3 good sign: As you read, you can already imagine where all the characters and the possibilities of how the action may be staged.
4 bad sign: You're already worried about not knowing how to stage what you are reading. You say to yourself: "Where am I?" and you wonder how people could do what is written.
5 Good sign: Even if you read the first script of a series, you have a good sense of the personality of the characters. You have not yet seen or read the bible technical director's notes, but it is already perceived as if the cut set.
6 bad sign: The script was developed through actions not characterized. Or too many dialogues and witty little display. The characters go around doing stuff as if they were puppets. As if any person could do this or that action. And that's not good in a cartoon (or any altra storia)
7 Buon segno : Puoi facilmente visualizzare dei modi per prendere ciò che è scritto e giocarci su. Renderlo più divertente, migliorarlo. E indovinate cosa? Questo è il lavoro dello storyboarder. Questo non è affatto un insulto per lo scritture ... è solo il passo successivo.
8 Cattivo Segno : Si sente il bisogno di correggere lo script. Ci possono essere delle lacune nelle azioni o nella logica, e si deve risolvere il problema con la messa in scena, senza modificare il dialogo (perché di solito non si può). C'è una differenza tra migliorare e riparare ... and we must do what we do!
9 good sign: When you're done reading, you're keen to start drawing. you have some good ideas and images in your head to make them even more fun. This is a good feeling.
10 bad sign: Do you feel confused by the story and you're afraid to get started. Maybe you've done some messed up face while reading (or just happen to just me?). And this is the worst case, of course. Nobody wants to have its script to be read with that face!
from " 10 Signs to Know If You're Reading a Strong S cript " by Karen J Lloyd ;

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Much Salt Should I Put In My Bath?


The back cover of Arcadia Presents!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Images Of Brand Logos


Perfect Sized Girth Pic

pere ubriache

ingredients: 3 pears

dean of cow's milk cheese gr. 250
3 heaping tablespoons chestnut honey or orange blossom
wine barbera ml.
sugar 300 gr. 300

a whole nutmeg 1 tablespoon whole cloves 3 cinnamon sticks

preparation: In a saucepan
up at the wine, sugar, cloves, cinnamon sticks. Mix well and then put on the fire to the smallest minimum power. From time to time check and stir with a wooden spoon.
Towards the ricotta in a bowl. Grating about a quarter of the ricotta cheese and nutmeg and mix. Add honey and stir for about a minute. Cover the bowl and put in fridge.
control at what point is the barbera sauce and if it is still a bit dense stand up 'the fire, stirring frequently, until it has the consistency of a syrup. I turn off the heat and take off the cream cheese from the fridge.
Cut pears in half and peel the sense of height. Excavating the inside of each half so that there is room for a generous spoonful of cream. Then cut each half in the curve more prominent, making the flat part cui appoggeranno.
Appoggio ogni metà pera su un piattino, la riempio di crema e verso due o tre cucchiai di salsa di barbera. Servo.

- ça va sans dire che le pere devono essere mature e buone. le decana sono una delle qualità più dolci e sugose in commercio e hanno anche dimensioni particolarmente adatte a fare da coppetta.
- la salsa si può preparare con anticipo, se non si ha tempo. consiglio però di scaldarla al momento di servirla, perché uno dei piaceri di questo dolce è il contrasto fra crema fredda e salsa calda.
- se la salsa vi fa fare tardi al momento del dessert (per esempio durante una cena) aggiungete Sugar: the will densify faster.
- the cream can be prepared in other ways, depending on your taste. with a half will be more creamy mascarpone and will more than milk. with half of cheese, quark (like Philadelphia) will have a slightly sour taste similar to cheese cake English.
- three pears are for six people for three or gluttons.
- if you can peel the pears and sculpting without too much distortion is better. because the eye wants its part.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Amateur Night Strip Los Angeles

Spiluccando 2

When I used yet colors (Painter)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Biographie

Collisione a bassa quota

I love thrown 'n racket.