ingredients: 3 pears
dean of cow's milk cheese gr. 250
3 heaping tablespoons chestnut honey or orange blossom
wine barbera ml.
sugar 300 gr. 300
a whole nutmeg 1 tablespoon whole cloves 3 cinnamon sticks
preparation: In a saucepan
up at the wine, sugar, cloves, cinnamon sticks. Mix well and then put on the fire to the smallest minimum power. From time to time check and stir with a wooden spoon.
Towards the ricotta in a bowl. Grating about a quarter of the ricotta cheese and nutmeg and mix. Add honey and stir for about a minute. Cover the bowl and put in fridge.
control at what point is the barbera sauce and if it is still a bit dense stand up 'the fire, stirring frequently, until it has the consistency of a syrup. I turn off the heat and take off the cream cheese from the fridge.
Cut pears in half and peel the sense of height. Excavating the inside of each half so that there is room for a generous spoonful of cream. Then cut each half in the curve more prominent, making the flat part cui appoggeranno.
Appoggio ogni metà pera su un piattino, la riempio di crema e verso due o tre cucchiai di salsa di barbera. Servo.
Towards the ricotta in a bowl. Grating about a quarter of the ricotta cheese and nutmeg and mix. Add honey and stir for about a minute. Cover the bowl and put in fridge.
control at what point is the barbera sauce and if it is still a bit dense stand up 'the fire, stirring frequently, until it has the consistency of a syrup. I turn off the heat and take off the cream cheese from the fridge.
Cut pears in half and peel the sense of height. Excavating the inside of each half so that there is room for a generous spoonful of cream. Then cut each half in the curve more prominent, making the flat part cui appoggeranno.
Appoggio ogni metà pera su un piattino, la riempio di crema e verso due o tre cucchiai di salsa di barbera. Servo.
- ça va sans dire che le pere devono essere mature e buone. le decana sono una delle qualità più dolci e sugose in commercio e hanno anche dimensioni particolarmente adatte a fare da coppetta.
- la salsa si può preparare con anticipo, se non si ha tempo. consiglio però di scaldarla al momento di servirla, perché uno dei piaceri di questo dolce è il contrasto fra crema fredda e salsa calda.
- se la salsa vi fa fare tardi al momento del dessert (per esempio durante una cena) aggiungete Sugar: the will densify faster.
- the cream can be prepared in other ways, depending on your taste. with a half will be more creamy mascarpone and will more than milk. with half of cheese, quark (like Philadelphia) will have a slightly sour taste similar to cheese cake English.
- la salsa si può preparare con anticipo, se non si ha tempo. consiglio però di scaldarla al momento di servirla, perché uno dei piaceri di questo dolce è il contrasto fra crema fredda e salsa calda.
- se la salsa vi fa fare tardi al momento del dessert (per esempio durante una cena) aggiungete Sugar: the will densify faster.
- the cream can be prepared in other ways, depending on your taste. with a half will be more creamy mascarpone and will more than milk. with half of cheese, quark (like Philadelphia) will have a slightly sour taste similar to cheese cake English.
- three pears are for six people for three or gluttons.
- if you can peel the pears and sculpting without too much distortion is better. because the eye wants its part.
- if you can peel the pears and sculpting without too much distortion is better. because the eye wants its part.
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