Confezionare regali mi è sempre piaciuto e adesso che arriva il Natale mi piace presentare i miei saponi anche nella loro veste di regalo. Eccone alcuni tipi.

Finalmente sono arrivati i biglietti da visita natalizi. Li aspettavo dagli ultimi giorni di novembre, ma la neve ha rallentato a bit 'all. I know that's not the fault of moo, more efficient and timely, but the Postmaster. I chose the designs available on their website and after I gave a look to my usual Christmas deliveries. These MiniCards are perfect for turning a Christmas package.
usually prepared a paper bag (just the fruit, because it leaves breathe soap) closed with red raffia. However, if you need only a bar of soap I put in a small bag of green jute. Anyone who wants to impress, I recommend the soap nude knotted, provided the package insert coils, leave this box a piece of raffia, along with an open node to be able to hang and carry.
usually prepared a paper bag (just the fruit, because it leaves breathe soap) closed with red raffia. However, if you need only a bar of soap I put in a small bag of green jute. Anyone who wants to impress, I recommend the soap nude knotted, provided the package insert coils, leave this box a piece of raffia, along with an open node to be able to hang and carry.
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