Sunday, January 24, 2010

How To Remove Urine Smell From Underwear

salame di cioccolato bianco

ingredients: white chocolate
butter 500 gr. 50
shortbread gr. 200 gr dried cherries
nuts 100 gr.
pistachios 70 gr. 70

preparation :
In una tazza metto a bagno le ciliegie, in acqua tiepida.
Sopra a un panno da cucina, sbriciolo grossolanamente i biscotti con le mani. Chiudo il panno tenendo i lembi uniti e con il fondo di una bottiglia o con un mattarello pesto i biscotti finché non saranno diventati una farina. Li verso in una ciotola e procedo alla preparazione degli altri ingredienti, che terrò separati.
Su un tagliere sminuzzo le noci con un coltello e lo stesso faccio con i pistacchi. Sgocciolo e asciugo in un panno le ciliegie disidratate e successivamente le taglio a metà una per una.
Sul tagliere trito il cioccolato a scagliette. Poi lo verso insieme al burro in una ciotola e li scaldo a bagnomaria a fuoco molto basso sul fornello smaller. Stir gently until it is all melted.
I remove the bowl from the fire and into first the biscuits, mix well. Then add the dried fruit, in two rounds, and then the cherries. Stir well.
On a sheet of baking paper into the dough with your hands and the model shows that a cylinder with a diameter of about 7-8cm. The rolled up in parchment paper and model even before we close the open sides with your fingers flatten the two extremes. Finally wrap it in a sheet of aluminum foil, which will help you keep better form.
I put it in the fridge wrapped well and leave it there for five hours. Before serving it is necessary that is at room temperature for one hour.

note :
- si possono usare le ciliegie candite, invece che disidratate, ma io trovo che siano troppo dolci.
- quando si fa sciogliere il cioccolato, bisogna stare attenti a far sciogliere ogni scaglia e tutto il burro, ma è molto importante che, non appena siano amalgamati, vengano tolti dal calore, altrimenti gli elementi possono cominciare a dividersi e ci si ritrova con un ammasso di grumetti da buttare.
- per tagliare delle fette che non si sbriciolino, il salame di cioccolato deve essere quasi a temperatura ambiente. in ogni caso, a volte le fette si spezzano, ma che importa? dopo averlo assaggiato non ci faccio nemmeno caso.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Plastic Bits On Bottom Of Shower Door


"If I could express something with words, not paint"
Edward Hopper

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Romantic Love Making Vedio


mandorle macinate gr.150
cocco grattuggiato gr.150
1/2 scatola di cacao amaro
1 cucchiaio di zucchero bianco

preparazione :
In una ciotola mescolo le mandorle e il cocco. Aggiungo un paio di cucchiai di latte e mescolo con le mani per farlo assorbire omogeneamente.
Dopo dieci minuti, durante i quali ogni tanto avrò rimestato nella ciotola, aggiungo un po' di miele, un cucchiaio o supergiù. Inizio a impastare con le mani nella ciotola. Poi aggiungo un altro po' di miele e impasto di nuovo. Quando avrò ottenuto una massa che si può modellare e che risulta leggermente sticky, I can start making Cocchini.
I take a quantity of a spoon, a little at the model and the hands to make a ball, as with the clay. One after another, I put the Cocchini on a plate and put them in the fridge for half an hour.
I remove the dish from refrigerator and let stand for fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, to the cocoa powder in a dish with a tablespoon of sugar and I choose to reach the container on which the offer Cocchini.
One by one, roll balls in cocoa powder until they are covered abbontantemente and put them in the container carefully.

- contrary to what one might think, the mixture of these cakes are not very sweet, because you do not need much honey until it reaches the right point of moldability.
- the bitter cocoa to be purchased because the manual addition of sugar in the quantities indicated in the recipe does not make him a chocolate cake, but only a little 'less bitter, that just to have a balance between the effect of contrast and sweetness Overall the cake.
- I use a little honey flavor, such as acacia or honey. I would say no to because it would cover chestnut or lime coconut. where you can indulge with aromas that blend the coconut or cocoa to taste.
- I have not indicated the amount for honey or for milk, because depends very much on the almonds and coconut are and why in fact I've never weighed. are added slowly and it is estimated to touch.

Genital Pimplesimages

pan di banana 2.0

ingredients: wheat flour
kamut flour gr.150

50 g semolina 1 cup of yogurt

sugar 3 eggs 200gr cane
1 cup oil 1 cup muesli

1 ripe banana 1 packet of instant yeast

mold :
a 24cm diameter round pan high enough or rectangular media

preparation :
In una ciotola unisco le due farine, il semolino, il lievito e mescolo con una forchetta per amalgamare.
In una terrina grande sbatto lo zucchero con le uova fino a quando non ho ottenuto una spuma soffice. Comincio a incorporare le farine versandone due o tre cucchiai per volta. Quando l'impasto comincia a diventare pesante da mescolare, verso lo yogurt e poi proseguo con i turni di farina.
Verso l'olio e mescolo ancora bene. Schiaccio la banana con una forchetta e la incorporo all'impasto. Per ultimo, verso il muesli e mescolo un'ultima volta bene.
Imburro la teglia e vi verso l'impasto.

cottura :
in forno a 180° per 45 minuti (i primi 15 ventilato)

note :
- è importante che la banana sia matura, altrimenti la torta avrà un odorino di buccia di banana che non è per niente appetitoso.
- per le torte in cui si utilizza lo yogurt in sostituzione del burro, è consigliabile usare quello intero per dare un po' di morbidezza all'impasto. però, se siete a dieta...
- lo zucchero di canna esiste di molti tipi e ognuno usa quel che più gli piace. secondo me per questa ricetta il migliore è il mascobado perché incorpora bene l'aria ed è saporito. il dulcita tende a inibire la lievitazione e il demerara quando è cotto è molto simile allo zucchero di barbabietola.
- anche l'olio è personalizzabile. I used olive oil, but any light oil is fine, except the virgin because it covers the taste and the smell of sweets.
- I used the muesli I had at home, with cornflakes, raisins and coconut. okay any muesli that is not excessively wet.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Piercing Teton Jenna Jameson


Friday, January 8, 2010

Rom Pokemon Leaf Green Mac

torta per la colazione delle feste di natale

ingredients: sugar
butter 2 eggs, wheat flour
g.100 g.100

almonds raisins gr.80
a large glass of rum
peel 1 / 2 orange 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 / 2 packet of instant yeast

mold :
board up or round baking pan 20/25 cm

preparation :
I remove the butter from refrigerator and cut into cubes. Rinse the raisins and soak in the rum. Half an orange peel with a potato peeler and cut the peel into strips.
In a bowl beat eggs with sugar until it has made a nice foam. Towards the almond flour and mix, then the wheat flour. Add the butter has softened and stir well to dissolve in the dough.
Add baking powder and vanilla.
Show up raisins with your hands and add it along with the orange peel. If you need a little 'liquid to soften the dough, use the rum raisin, butter taste pour into the mold.

cooking :
oven at 170 degrees for 50 minutes (the first half hour ventilated)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Samsung Slashing Software

un po' di packaging

Here is the package designed and sweaty: cartapaglia of disposable napkins and labels with logo designed by me.
thank Loretta for the legendary truck; Claudia for the long, wet walk to the Navigli, Luke for the competence and generosity, Elisa for the moral support and sharing a morning that China has spared me the payment for the study chart. ;-)

The ingredient label it I decided to print on plain paper as needed, depending on how many pieces I do. The attack a strip of scotch and remain there. Seems.

Should Afrin Nasal Spray Burn?

fresh coffee

ingredients: olive oil 500g

g sunflower seed oil. 410
coconut oil, anise essential oil gr.90
coffee 2 tablespoons cardamom 2 tablespoons

Coffee is an effective natural deodorant, but I did not stop here.
Born to wash their hands after a session of cooking fish, garlic and onion, the preparation of the recipe has created a custom soap perfect for the big man, because it is an exotic mix and energizing shower deodorant and fresh. I used relatively little because the essential oil scented coffee and ground cardamom contribute their aroma and the end result is indeed intoxicating.
Regarding the choice of fat, I balanced olive oil with a high percentage of sunflower oil, which is light and rich in vitamin E. Too bad you do not find many information about him online.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Peter Doig White Canoe

crostata all'arancia e al cioccolato


flour 200 gr butter 100 gr sugar 100 gr

1 egg 1 jar of marmalade loving
1 box of chocolate tails

mold :
pan for tarts or about 25/30cm

preparation :
with flour, butter (still cold for the pastry!), prepare the sugar and egg mixture quickly. I put it in the fridge for half an hour. Meanwhile
to all the jam into a cup and stir it with a fork to make it softer and smoother.
With 2 / 3 of the pastry stretch out the base of the cake and I put on greased baking sheet. Slowly toward the tails to serve on evenly and completely base of the cake. With a spoon, lightly crush this layer of chocolate to make it stick a little 'dough. Distribute the jam over the chocolate with a fork, gently. With
l'impasto restante faccio 8 rotoli (4 più lunghi e 4 più corti) da stendere sulla crostata a mo' di rete, come si fa per tutte le crostate tradizionali.

cottura :
in forno a 200° per 20 minuti

note :
- non sono riuscita a fare le foto. ne scatterò un paio quando rifarò la crostata.
- quando stendo la marmellata sopra le codette, devo stare attenta a non spostarle, perché non aderiscono alla pasta cruda. per questo è importante pressare un pochino. in ogni caso, le piccole zone che restano scoperte dal cioccolato fanno sì che ogni fetta abbia dei momenti di maggiore intensità di arancia e altri più cacao. everything is under control.

Acoustic Solutions Tv Keep Switching Off

crostata di pere allo zenzero

ingredients for the pastry :

flour 200 gr butter 100 gr sugar 100 gr

1 egg 1 tablespoon cardamom pods

ingredients for the filling: 1 or 2 pears

fresh ginger honey

mold :
a baking tray or board with 20cm opening

preparation :
I open the cardamom pods and I remove the seeds. To them in the flour and stir. Prepare the pastry and chill for half an hour.
grater and a teaspoon of ginger into a cup with two or three fingers of honey. Stir well until the honey scent.
Cut the pears into small cubes (about 1cm).
I remove the pastry from refrigerator and divide into two equal parts. It extends a half with a rolling pin until the dough is not often about 1cm. I put the butter into the mold by placing the board.
I put the pears into cubes in the mold level and above slowly to the sauce of honey and ginger.
I spread the other half of the pastry and cover the cake. With your hands do a little 'pressure along the border to join the two layers of pasta with a fork full of holes and the top layer.

cooking :
oven at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes

should not be paying attention to appearances. It 'a cake Superchic. The exotic touch of cardamom and fresh ginger and jaw-dropping o_O. Without detracting from the power soddisfavevole a tart covered with fruit, as it is known that satisfies the palate and fills the mouth and leave very satisfied, this version has something irresistible. Cardamom makes it more special the pastry, which usually reminds us of the cookies with vanilla, ginger and honey that distributes light and spicy fragrance that makes me mad.
I made only once, with the idea of \u200b\u200busing the seeds in the dough, make a recipe Finnish, pullataikina . With pears and grated ginger in honey and I dared used to distribute good taste in the filling. Really good.