ingredienti :
mandorle macinate gr.150
cocco grattuggiato gr.150
1/2 scatola di cacao amaro
1 cucchiaio di zucchero bianco
preparazione :
In una ciotola mescolo le mandorle e il cocco. Aggiungo un paio di cucchiai di latte e mescolo con le mani per farlo assorbire omogeneamente.
Dopo dieci minuti, durante i quali ogni tanto avrò rimestato nella ciotola, aggiungo un po' di miele, un cucchiaio o supergiù. Inizio a impastare con le mani nella ciotola. Poi aggiungo un altro po' di miele e impasto di nuovo. Quando avrò ottenuto una massa che si può modellare e che risulta leggermente sticky, I can start making Cocchini.
I take a quantity of a spoon, a little at the model and the hands to make a ball, as with the clay. One after another, I put the Cocchini on a plate and put them in the fridge for half an hour.
I remove the dish from refrigerator and let stand for fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, to the cocoa powder in a dish with a tablespoon of sugar and I choose to reach the container on which the offer Cocchini.
One by one, roll balls in cocoa powder until they are covered abbontantemente and put them in the container carefully.
notes: Dopo dieci minuti, durante i quali ogni tanto avrò rimestato nella ciotola, aggiungo un po' di miele, un cucchiaio o supergiù. Inizio a impastare con le mani nella ciotola. Poi aggiungo un altro po' di miele e impasto di nuovo. Quando avrò ottenuto una massa che si può modellare e che risulta leggermente sticky, I can start making Cocchini.
I take a quantity of a spoon, a little at the model and the hands to make a ball, as with the clay. One after another, I put the Cocchini on a plate and put them in the fridge for half an hour.
I remove the dish from refrigerator and let stand for fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, to the cocoa powder in a dish with a tablespoon of sugar and I choose to reach the container on which the offer Cocchini.
One by one, roll balls in cocoa powder until they are covered abbontantemente and put them in the container carefully.
- contrary to what one might think, the mixture of these cakes are not very sweet, because you do not need much honey until it reaches the right point of moldability.
- the bitter cocoa to be purchased because the manual addition of sugar in the quantities indicated in the recipe does not make him a chocolate cake, but only a little 'less bitter, that just to have a balance between the effect of contrast and sweetness Overall the cake.
- I use a little honey flavor, such as acacia or honey. I would say no to because it would cover chestnut or lime coconut. where you can indulge with aromas that blend the coconut or cocoa to taste.
- I have not indicated the amount for honey or for milk, because depends very much on the almonds and coconut are and why in fact I've never weighed. are added slowly and it is estimated to touch.
- the bitter cocoa to be purchased because the manual addition of sugar in the quantities indicated in the recipe does not make him a chocolate cake, but only a little 'less bitter, that just to have a balance between the effect of contrast and sweetness Overall the cake.
- I use a little honey flavor, such as acacia or honey. I would say no to because it would cover chestnut or lime coconut. where you can indulge with aromas that blend the coconut or cocoa to taste.
- I have not indicated the amount for honey or for milk, because depends very much on the almonds and coconut are and why in fact I've never weighed. are added slowly and it is estimated to touch.
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