Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Telechargerpokemon Fsf

Chiusura Via Favirano: aggiornamento dopo 108 giorni!

on this blog I have followed the events of the end of Via Favirano from the beginning, and I live every day as a user inconvenience. Therefore I update readers with news of these few days.

Il Comune di Torre dè Busi ha approvato i progetti per la sistemazione delle tre zone colpite da eventi franosi descritti nei post precedenti: la cifra complessiva ammonta a ben 337.400 euro!

Il geologo incaricato dal comune ha predisposto i progetti di sistemazione idrogeologica del territorio e l'amministrazione comunale ha potuto inoltrare domanda di contributi alla Regione Lombardia.

I cittadini di Sogno minacciano una petizione per chiedere più attenzione al problema frane, in quanto i residenti (a Sogno e a Colle di Sogno) hanno una sola link road and the slope above does not seem very safe, are likely to remain isoltati from around the world.

Favirano Because, however, tell us that the road from Rossini to the center of Calow is passable ...

The municipalities involved have pledged to pay:

- Torre de 'Busi € 40,000 (20,000 for and 20,000 for Dream Street Favirano)
- Calolziocorte
€ 20,000 - € 10,000 Carenno
- Erve not have funds

For the rest we have to wait for the manna.

three months have passed, two weeks and two days ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

David Vs Frito Lay Sunflower Seeds

woman at work

I'm not posting for a while, 'but I'm expanding, I created new recipes and new product I am proud of soaps: one for the face to the jojoba oil and oats, with a stout and cocoa butter, a real all'aloea chlorophyll, a solid shampoo with lemon and linseed oil.
soon for updates on each product, the markets spring, plans for the future of soaps carapace.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Alopecia Barbae Homeopathy Treatment

Sopracornola in una cartolina del 1913

thank Prof. Bonaiti Study Centre Val San Martino, who has kindly provided this rare postcard dating from 1913.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Make Chili Pepper Custome

La vacanza è durata poco

Eh, si, stavolta sono proprio nazisti. E pure di quelli cattivi.