Saturday, February 7, 2009

Indian Tabla Style File Yamaha

CHAPTER 3 The story continues ...

Saluti a tutti. Eccoci puntuali alla pubblicazione del capitolo 2.
Volevo comunicarvi che io e Sara ci siamo consultati sull’opportunità o meno di to follow-up attempt (done with Chapter 1) by forking the story and we decided that this required too many management difficulties (for us) and too complicated (for you). Therefore we decided to publish only one version of Chapter 2, and then only after giving the branch of history that we had previously indicated as 1b and was written by Elena Cervetti. The first branch is instead (ahimè!) considered extinct and especially sorry for Cora Bacchelli beautiful text of which will not know the result and we invite you to try, if it pleases you, in the drafting of Chapter 3.
I also wanted to communicate to everyone, but especially to those who passed now for the first time on our site and was interested a partecipare all’iniziativa, che qui a fianco nella colonna di destra (in fondo alla sezione denominata “Book Modena narrativa”) potete scaricare tutto il testo della storia fin qui, nonché il regolamento di partecipazione, in un unico file.
E ora, il seguito del racconto!


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