Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mixing Stillman's Arche And Fair And Lovely

Chapter 2

Uscendo dalla chiesa Stefano pensò che si era fatto prendere troppo la mano.
Si vergognava di avere mandato a casa i suoi studenti con una scusa, ma adesso che la lezione era finita voleva solo tornare a casa e dormire, dormire e ancora dormire.
Si sentiva esausto e tormentato.
Prima di andarsene, però, decise di concedersi una sigaretta.
Un’eccezione the three planned for each day he needed it. Standing beside the car, felt the fabric of the vest. "Too many pockets," he thought "Comfortable but always end up struggling to find what you need."
First found tissue paper, crumpled up the yellow sheet, keys, and then, finally, the rigid box of cigarettes. In a hurry also tried the matches. Where had he put the matches? If we found another pocket of the pants this time. He did not like to use the lighter: the tobacco gave a different flavor. He lit his cigarette, shook his hand to turn the match that he put in the box and then again last breath warm, full, dropped the throat. Coming out of the mouth, the smoke hung around him in the face, mixed with the cold fog of the night, helping him think more clearly.
First, while he was in church with the students, if only she could light a cigarette, his brain was turned with the greatest clarity, would not have got involved so deeply. Because few words, written in that way was so unusual, it had so shaken?
Stephen thought that perhaps he had done everything himself. He had spent a week thinking long and lonely, for the most part, personal. Very personal.
His sensibility had interpreted those words as the result of a self-destructive folly. His
pensieri si erano poi ridimensionati, fino ad addensarsi attorno ad un unico punto cruciale che riguardava la sua esistenza: non poteva capitargli di nuovo. Non doveva.
Gettò a terra la sigaretta e, con un gesto per lui inconsueto, la spense rabbiosamente sotto il tacco. Aprì la portiera e si ritrovò ancora, nella mano sinistra stretta a pugno, i fiammiferi e la pallina di carta gialla che aveva raccolto nella chiesetta. L’aveva raccolta di impulso. Convinto che contenesse un significato e, magari, chiarito quelle parole. Invece ne aveva aperto appena un lembo, e immediatamente lo aveva richiuso. Poi aveva spento le luci, era uscito nella notte e, chiusa a chiave la chiesetta, non aveva ancora avuto il fegato di guardare il resto.
"What a situation!" He thought as he nervously, you put everything back in his pocket and climbed in the car. Condensation on the glass and wiped his idea clear and very convincing appeared from nowhere. The going at times when he was on the ropes, to find a solution.
It was, finally, to confirm the choice he had to do some years ago.
Stephen thought that if this did not reach certainty would be freaked out and could not afford it any more. He felt invigorated and at the same time quieted by the decision.
He inserted the ignition key and looking up saw, about twenty meters away, a solitary human figure. The mist and the dim light of the parking consentiva di distinguere se era voltata verso di lui o gli desse le spalle. Era ferma. Pareva osservarlo, o forse… aspettarlo.
Da quanto tempo era lì? Quando era uscito non l’aveva notata.
Aguzzò la vista nello sforzo di metterla a fuoco. Nulla da fare.
Accese i fari dell’auto. In quel momento la sagoma si girò e si allontanò svanendo nella nebbia come un fantasma.

(Autore: Bernardi Rossana)

Dunque in questo capitolo iniziamo a scoprire pezzetti di un passato turbolento del nostro protagonista Stefano. Che cosa vi si annida? Follia? Depressione? E che relazione c’è tra quel passato e il misterioso testo consegnato da uno dei your students? (Although, incidentally, are we really sure that you have a student? Messages that may not be Stephen, in his delirium, he sends himself?) And what is written in yellow page crumpled by master William, who is not Stephen you decide to open? But above all, who is the mysterious man who turns away from the parking lights turn on as soon as Stefano car?
The onus is now back to you.
The next chapter is to be delivered by midnight on Saturday, February 14.
Good luck to all!


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