Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tallysoftware Exeption C0000005

Sitting in his old type, Stephen felt the neck was beginning to hurt in what was the principle of a typical migraine. Although part of him would instinctively follow the shadow, she decided it would be too much for that evening. In his mind the urgent need to remove a bit 'relax the brain and making its way ever more quickly, like a bright light through the dark mists of his thoughts. He did do the last step necessary to the key and slowly released the clutch, as he helped the car to stay on with a few strokes with the extra gas. Smiled Ironically, considering that his car did not take the minimum for so long that now we had got used to and crossed the cobblestone square to take up the long avenue lined with cypress trees which connected the church to the province.

The water came down in the shower at the beginning and then reach a comfortably warm temperature until almost red hot, in a few minutes, the windows and bathroom mirrors steam up completely. While Stephen was enjoying the experience invigorating, felt the weight accumulated in the muscles of the shoulders become lighter and the tension slip away. He could almost see his worries down the drain down, drag dal flusso corrente della doccia. Uscendo in accappatoio, diede ai capelli qualche colpo di asciugamano con noncuranza e scese in cucina per preparare la cena. Mise a scaldare in un pentolino le pennette rimaste a pranzo e tolse dal frigo un po' di insalata verde, del prosciutto e una bottiglia di Cardeto rosso già aperta, dopodiché tornò al piano superiore dell'abitazione per vestirsi e finire di asciugarsi i capelli. Seduto sul letto, con il phon acceso in mano, il suo sguardo girovagò senza meta per la stanza fino a fermarsi sopra una foto sul comò. Vi erano ritratte una donna sui 30 anni ed una bambina, entrambe abbronzate e sorridenti, sedute ad un tavolino sul ponte di una nave da crociera. Spense l'asciugacapelli e prese in mano la cornice argentata. “Com'erano belle” disse, contemplando l'immagine. Non ricordava quando fosse stata l'ultima volta che era andato in curva a tifare la sua squadra, né l'ultima volta che era uscito con un amico o un collega a bere una birra. Eppure, dopo tutto quel tempo, c’era una cosa che continuava a rammentare alla perfezione: l'ultima volta che vide sua moglie e sua figlia, il giorno dell'incidente.
Quel giorno anche una parte di lui morì e per alcuni anni Stefano entrò in un tunnel, conducendo un'esistenza al limite dell'anacoretismo. Volti nuovi venivano e volti ormai ben noti se ne andavano, niente legami ma solo pura e neutra professionalità applicata con il minimo sindacale di transfert. Ironia della sorte, the only thing that had always hated his work had suddenly become not only his first choice, but also a sort of screen in which shelter from society. Soon the Academic Council decided to intervene because this teacher, once so loved by his students for his spontaneity and his ability to involve, besides the undoubted preparation, was slowly devolving into a state of semi-autism. Fortunately for him, with the help of friends who had remained close, the principal persuaded the professor to see a specialist, and through many difficulties and sufferings, finally began to feel better. The same Stephen noticed the change and, despite being still very different from the person who was at one time, had begun to find a certain pleasure in his work.
The creative writing class was, in fact, another idea of \u200b\u200bthe therapist. He found it was ideal to start in his approach to stimulate and direct contact with people outside of work.
"Of course Dr. Sivieri this idea of \u200b\u200bwriting course could just keep it for himself. At the next session that will make him the thing I stress is creating more than good ...". While talking to herself, noticed the ball over the yellow paper bag resting on the cabinet. He put the frame, picked up the crumpled paper, and after a long breath, opened it.

"I absolute need to talk in private, I do not trust anyone. It is of interest to you and, heaven forbid, your health, so I can not wait until the next lesson: let's meet tomorrow at the place I mentioned in the poem that made you read. At nine o'clock.
I will have it with you apologize for my rude behavior at the appropriate time, but know that I have good reasons for my caution. God only knows what would happen if I were discovered, then I recommend the most absolute secrecy. Keep your eyes open. "


After reading all of a fiato, Stefano analizzò nuovamente il messaggio con più calma. Leggere quelle parole gli aveva causato un cupo attacco di apprensione; certo non rimase sconvolto, essendo ormai preparato al peggio, ma avvertì comunque un brivido percorrergli la schiena. Stava per iniziare a riflettere sul biglietto, quando il suo olfatto fu rapito da un forte odore di bruciato che proveniva dal piano inferiore. Mise in tasca il foglietto e scese le scale.

(Autore: Tommaso Caverni)


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