Monday, March 2, 2009

Difference Between Blender Grinder

Il giorno precedente

Quante erano le volte che avrebbe voluto raccontare tutto al professore? Tre, quattro?
Ma poi si era sempre tirato indietro dicendosi che non spettava a lui parlare. Sapeva che era una bugia che si raccontava per non prendere l’iniziativa.
Una folata di nebbia gelida gli fece affondare la testa nelle spalle imbottite dell’impermeabile. Quella sera non sarebbe entrato nella chiesetta per assistere alla lezione. Sicuramente il professore avrebbe letto e chiesto commenti allo scritto che lui aveva infilato, insieme to that of other students in the pile on the table.
Roberto said he had to act, could not continue to hide. Those words, not his, but brought her hand to the professor, sounded like a dark threat. Absolutely had to talk to him.
would be left waiting outside, and at the end of the lesson, once and for all, and said he would explain everything. That, however, the fog was penetrating to the bone so he decided to wait in the car. He went up, kicking the best hat on his head, dug his hands into his pockets and looking towards the entrance of the church sat patiently waiting. The lesson would not be finished within an hour, estimated.
Roberto had a great fear, and knew that reveal la verità al professore gli avrebbe attirato addosso l’ira di Pietro: una rabbia che aveva imparato a temere fin da piccolo, fin dalle elementari.
Pietro era sempre stato il più forte fra loro due.
Era quello che si rivoltava alle prevaricazioni, alle prepotenze. Le zuffe per lui erano un tonico. Ma se era vero che Pietro era un prepotente, era anche vero che Roberto sapeva di poter sempre contare sul suo aiuto. Tutte le volte che era stato in difficoltà, lui era sempre intervenuto in sua difesa. Anche se poi gli toccava sempre condividerne le punizioni.
Nel suo intimo, Roberto pensava che Pietro avesse delle reazioni esagerate, ma lui era fatto così: selvaggio, privo di controllo; a Roberto faceva venire i brividi.
And what that night Robert was going to do a considerable risk of unleashing its fury.
was distracted from his thoughts by the light coming out of the church. They were all going away. "Why so early?" A shiver ran up my back up to the neck hair stand on end. Alarmed, he went out of the car, remained standing in the mist ... on hold. The professor saw off a cigarette, get into the car and turn on the headlights. He had to hurry. He opened his mouth to call him, but he lost courage and was silent: for the umpteenth time he gave up.
of Stephen's car turned and began moving. Reluctantly, but relieved, Robert turned away and disappeared into the mist.


Stefano parked near the entrance of the small cemetery was in advance. He sat in the car to wait. Inevitably, finding place in front of that memory went back in time.
That unfortunate day continued to flow in her mind like a film loop, endlessly. I still remember that morning when his wife Elena, over lunch, had made some strange talk. He had said that the choice, he strongly supported, to move to her country of origin was not a good idea, there she was all right there. And as she left years earlier, wanted to leave again. Not
had never had occasion to talk about that. Shortly after Helen and Martin were going to slam the car into a plane on the way to school. Besides the obvious guilt for having brought Elena to live in a place that felt hostile, the doubt was left to Stephen, who had not confessed to anyone, even Dr. Sivieri, that the two were somehow connected. With a sigh, he recovered.
Stephen looked at the time, there was no appointment and little William could not be seen again. Suddenly he was the doubt that you have misunderstood the place, also saw all the mystery that had enveloped the affair from the outset.
got out, feeling called William, who turned and saw was approaching.
"Finally!" He thought.
Master held out his hand, "Good evening, Professor!" And a nod, invited him closer to the fence "Excuse me, all this caution, but in this country even the walls have ears, professor, do not think I'm paranoid . Plus I'm breaking a promise. "
Stephen noticed that the old master was quite upset, but decided he continued" It looked like the old story was finished and the villagers had forgotten ... but then she has come to take the course just write in the old church on the edge of the land of Baccani and everything started again. "Amazed
Stephen asked, "What again?"
Stefano began vaguely threatening to link the script with William's words and did not like the direction that his thoughts were taking. So he asked to be more clear.
"I promised to keep quiet ... but his wife, professor, has never said anything when he lived here?" In memory of Stephen
he reared his speech that his wife had done the morning of the accident. The buzzing of the ears and temples throbbed: "What are you talking about?" Found the strength to ask.
William looked at him almost with pity then continued "I knew his wife was I know a pupil? There was a scandal when she was about 18 years. At that time, had become friends with a young son of a wealthy family in the country, the Baccani. The boy had already had problems in the past but at that time seemed to have found a balance. Elena's friendship, however, destabilized the new, soon became jealous of all the people who spoke with her, until at some point the seizure. For two days he kept locked in the church, until the father was not aware of what his son was doing. Then Baccani, thanks to knowledge and to their money, they managed to prevent his son a job, put everything to rest and sent him for a few years in a nursing home. But when you tornati… lui ricominciò ad importunarla.” A Stefano girava la testa, Elena non gliene aveva mai parlato… e lui dove aveva la testa per non accorgersi di niente? Guglielmo senza tregua continuò “E’ a sua moglie che avevo fatto la promessa di non dire niente, ma poi c’è stato l’incidente... E ora è lei ad essere in pericolo. Quell’uomo la odia. E’ un pazzo pericoloso.” A Stefano stava per scoppiare la testa. Adesso quelle parole lette tante volte trovavano un senso: “E’ tutta colpa tua”, “Sei un ladro un bastardo”, “Ti schiaccerò”, “Pagherai” .
“Questo vecchio rincoglionito dovrebbe farsi i cazzi suoi.” Si inserì fra loro una voce sibilante.
Interdetti, Stefano e Guglielmo si voltarono nella sua direzione e scorsero l’uomo che aveva seguito tutte le lezioni di Stefano in cappello e impermeabile. Un ghigno di rabbia deformava il suo viso. I suoi occhi erano ridotti a due fessure, fissi su Stefano. Nella mano destra aveva una pietra, immediatamente la scagliò contro Stefano ma colpì invece Guglielmo, alla guancia. Gli occhiali del vecchio maestro volarono in terra.
Incredulo il professore vide l’uomo raccogliere un’altra pietra e tirargliela, mentre gli si avvicinava. Stefano la scansò ma non riuscì a decidersi a fare qualcosa.
“Roberto, smettila!” gridò Guglielmo.
Un sibilo ringhioso gli rispose: “Roberto un corno, quel cacasotto non ha le palle per farvela pagare. Sei tu che gli hai rubato l’Elena. E quella stronza l’ha lasciato a causa tua. Poi tocca a me sistemare i suoi casini, come al solito. Avevo detto a quella puttana che se non tornava con Roberto l’avrei ammazzata!”
Stefano si sentiva annichilito. Quello lo prese per le braccia, lo spintonò lontano da Guglielmo: “Sveglia, finocchio! Lo sapevi che quella troia di tua moglie mi era scappata? Nella chiesa le avevo mollato solo un paio di schiaffi, che cazzo!”
Di nuovo quella risata spezzata, crudele. L’uomo lo gettò a terra poi, con la faccia stravolta dalla rabbia, si went to hit him again with a kick. Then Stephen found the strength to react. A grope picked up a stone, if you closed fist and then tried to throw it in, but another armed stone hit him in the forehead. He fell to the ground, blinded by pain and blood trickling into his face.
"Bastard out you do, as sure as my name is Peter. You have to disappear. I'll kill you with my hands, bitch! "Shouted another.
The blood roared in my ears. He shook his head. He had to react if you do not want to die.
suddenly came to him another kick on his side that left him breathless.
then rolled on its side, and with all the strength he era rimasta, sferrò una pedata alla cieca, colpendo al basso ventre il suo assalitore.
Fu un colpo particolarmente bene assestato: l’uomo crollò a terra con le mani tra le gambe guaendo di dolore.
Stefano si rialzò con l’aiuto di Guglielmo, si asciugò il sangue sul viso, preparandosi a continuare la lotta. Poi si accorse che un improvviso cambiamento era sopravvenuto nel suo aggressore.
“Basta, basta non picchiatemi più, non ho fatto niente. Pietro se n’è andato, sono Roberto non mi riconoscete?”
Guglielmo intanto si era tolto il cravattino: “Leghiamolo subito, presto! Quello che lui chiama Pietro potrebbe tornare da un momento all’altro.”
Ma non accadde, Roberto si lasciò docilmente legare le mani dietro la schiena. Non c’era traccia in lui della furia omicida di qualche istante prima.
Stefano faticò a ritrovare il filo dei suoi pensieri. Fece dei lunghi respiri, la schiena gli faceva male.
Barcollava per i colpi che aveva subito e sentiva salire la nausea di una probabile commozione cerebrale.
Da quel momento in poi i suoi ricordi divennero vaghi.
Ricordava la gente che pochi istanti dopo era venuta ad accalcarsi attorno a loro richiamata dal rumore della loro colluttazione, vagamente la polizia e poi l’ambulanza che lo condusse in ospedale.
Per quasi tutto il tempo fissò Roberto che, finché non giunsero a portarlo via, rimase sdraiato a ground, moaning like a child.

(Author: Bernardi Ross)


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