Sunday, February 22, 2009

Should I Pack Bottles And Formuler For Hospital


The pot of pasta lying in the sink in some penne with charred floating in the water: the one with which Stephen had promptly filled when, rushing into the kitchen, he realized the disaster happened to her dinner. What
dinner, at that time, the problem was less important. While eating the salad
Stephen thought the ticket of William: so it was not the only one to feel, lately, a sense of unease within the walls of the church.
William was aware of something of a hazard that must surely be attributed to the author of that damned text.
For a moment Stephen was a desire to escape from everything he could to stop the course with an apology, his health.
the bottom was not even a lie because the tension that had accumulated since he had written across it was literally wearing out ambiguous.
After the tragedy that had ruined her life had become fragile as a child and no longer felt able to cope with difficulties. Stop
course, malinger ... It occurred to Enrica and thought that he would try to learn the news that the writing course had no more.
Imagine the disappointment on his handsome visage. He knew how to Enrica
held to his lectures, he saw how it looked in the explanation with his occhi pieni di interesse che catturavano ogni sua parola.
In uno dei testi anonimi che Stefano aveva raccolto, lo stesso che aveva letto il giorno precedente in classe, si parlava della scoperta della scrittura: l’autore o autrice, dopo aver vissuto per anni nella disistima delle proprie capacità, diceva di aver scoperto di saper scrivere e di aver ricavato un’immensa gioia da questa consapevolezza.
Stefano era certo di aver riconosciuto la penna di Enrica in quelle righe.
E dunque come avrebbe potuto abbandonarla?
Per la prima volta dopo un tempo che gli sembrava infinito e dopo un dolore che credeva non gli avrebbe più dato respiro, Stefano si domandò se, per caso, non si stesse innamorando.

La mattina seguente, mentre cercava di staccare i residui di pennette dal fondo della pentola con un cucchiaio di legno, Stefano pensava al suo appuntamento con Guglielmo per quella sera.
L’anziano maestro aveva indicato, come luogo dell’appuntamento, quello di cui parlava nella sua poesia.
“Cristo, il cimitero!” esclamò Stefano dopo aver ripensato alle rime di Guglielmo.
Si trattava di un minuscolo cimitero di campagna dove Stefano ricordava di essere stato una volta con un collega: era autunno anche quella volta e Stefano ricordava di essersi infangato le scarpe per via del terreno bagnato.
Il fatto era che Stefano odiava i cimiteri e, dopo la disgrazia, se ne teneva lontano, rifiutandosi di frequentare also the one where they had buried his wife and daughter.
It was almost time to leave to go to an appointment with Dr. Sivieri, his therapist. Before you do
Stephen went to get the red folder with the papers of the writing course, pulled out the text that had so disturbed and, having folded in four, slipped it into his coat pocket.
Doctor Sivieri, what do you think? "
" I can say without a shadow of a doubt that whoever wrote these things is a person with some mental disorder, but ... "
" But? "
" But there is something ... false. It seems that those who have scritto, abbia voluto calcare la mano. Insomma è come se le sue parole fossero mirate a spaventare chi le legge proprio per la loro assurdità e per la loro incongruenza”
“Lei crede? Qualcuno vuole spaventarmi allora? E perché? Qualcuno vuole che il corso finisca? Ma è una cosa assurda! Se a qualcuno dei miei studenti il corso non andasse a genio basterebbe solo che smettesse di frequentarlo. Perché boicottarlo?”
“Non lo so, Stefano. Non posso darle una risposta, purtroppo. Posso solo suggerirle di fare attenzione”
“Dottore, ho deciso di andare fino in fondo a questa storia, comunque. Questa sera andrò all’appuntamento con Guglielmo e sentirò quello che ha to tell me. "

advantage of the fact that he was in town, Stephen decided to take a leap in the pharmacy.
was Saturday and the way of the old town was pretty crowded.
There was a very good pastry over and Stephanie decided to stop for a relaxing lunch.
His heart gave a leap when he saw Henry who, leaning on the counter, drinking a cappuccino.
met her and she seemed upset to see him:
"Professor, what a pleasure to meet you! He knows that last night made me worry? "
" Worry? "
" Yes, it was so funny in class, looked at us all in a way ... Then he told us that he felt bad and that the lesson was over. You know, I went out with the others and went back home, but then I thought better and went back to see how he was "
" Really? "
" Yes, but she was already in the car, I tried to stop but not I saw "
" Ah, I see. Thank you for being worried about me, I'm better now anyway "
" Thank God, "said Enrica and her face stretched in an air of sincere relief.
"Look, Enrica, I know I should not ask, but the text I was reading last night is his, right?"
The woman's face broke into a bright smile:
"He capito, allora”
“Sì, Enrica, credo di aver capito anche tante altre cose di lei”
“Anch’io ho capito qualcosa di lei, professore. Mi scusi se glielo dico, ci conosciamo poco ma sento che lei... è molto triste”.
Parlando avevano imboccato il corso.

(Autore: Caterina Caterini)


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