Monday, December 27, 2010

Sphinx Wax Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

Auguri, desideri e speranze per il nuovo anno.

few more days and then we will be in 2011!
E 'custom, the last day of each year, make budgets, to express desires and good intentions for the coming year.

I think one of the wishes of residents to Sopracornola be reopened, quickly, the road stops in the first November Favirano Via, near the bridge of Brugaro in the municipality of Torre de Busi.

and certainly 'one of my hopes for the new year, no longer have to travel daily from the center of Calolziocorte saving time (and money). And I'm sure that even Carenno and surrounding areas are hoping the same thing ...

After expressing my desire for the new year, I wish all readers a 2011 full of peace and serenity, joy and happiness!


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